Why is it so important to access your Feminine Energy?

Why it is so important to access your feminine energy right now you ask? It is the prime state of energy for reinvention, transformation and creation which is what we will all need to tap into as we navigate into a new world, into this new reality.

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The Year of Yin 2020

The Year of Yin 2020

The world is currently leaving the Yang (Masculine Energy) era, an episode in history highlighted by male dominance, war and oppression and entering a new era of the Yin (Feminine Energy). Prior to 2-3 thousand years ago, history tells us that it was an era where the feminine was revered. Women were priests and heads of state and house. Women were considered wise, respected and honored. We somehow left that era with the proliferation of modern religion and those practices were all but erased from the collective consciousness.

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What it takes to bring Happiness into your Everyday Life

“The most important thing is to enjoy your life. To be happy. It’s all that matters.” – Audrey Hepburn

My definition of what happiness means has evolved over the years and now for me it means feeling healthy, feeling loved and feeling peace. Ten years ago, I would have read this quote and thought happiness meant grabbing my high heels and pulling an all-niter or seeking attention from unavailable men but all these activities just left me feeling empty and drained. A weekend of so called “happiness” would send me reeling into a week of sadness, loneliness, depression, guilt and unhappiness, of all things.

I would wonder, “Why do I feel so bad if I just did all the things that were supposed to make me feel good?” I slowly began to realize that the things I had chosen and the ideas that I had inherited about happiness did not work for me anymore. After finding myself in enough compromising situations, I began making small shifts.

The first and most important shift I made was to set the intention that I loved me more. I decided no matter what, that I loved me enough to put myself first from now on. Little by little I began choosing activities that filled me up and scenarios that I wanted rather than those that were expected of me or requested of me.

I began choosing me first and although it was difficult at first, the more I did it, the easier it got. Little by little, I began carving out a life for myself. A life that I was happy living, day in and day out, all the time. That’s the type of self-generated joy that created a deep well of security within me that keeps my soul nourished.

But it takes effort. It doesn’t just happen. I had to fight for what I wanted and put myself first even when I had to go against the grain. And it paid off. I wouldn’t trade what I feel inside today for a million dollars.

Nourish yourself and your desires. Find happiness within. Begin your journey.