It's time to bloom: Top 10 Tips for Practicing Self-love this Spring!

girl in flower shop hugging a giant bouquet

Spring is upon us and it's time to say good-bye to Winter but not without first showing gratitude for the time it gave us to go inward, reflect, contemplate, plan and regroup. Winter is a beautiful and cozy time not only physically but emotionally and as we jump into Spring, let's take the wisdom we gained and walk into this next chapter of our lives with appreciation and confidence! 

In early march we experienced the Spring or Vernal Equinox and the first New Moon of Spring and it was in the sign of Aries which is in the element of Fire and this probably infused you and your projects with a new burst energy! And many cultures still consider March as the actual new year which explains why you may be feeling new year vibes all around you and have the desire to go out and make things happen! 

Spring is here and the energy is in the air!

Use this energy to fuel your desires. The beginning of a new season are a perfect time to plant new seeds.

You can review your vision board, see what you've already accomplished then journal, make a list or create a mind map of what you want to create next. 

As you soak in all this new energy, its a perfect time to instill some new self-love practices or strengthen ones you already have.

Here are my Top 10 Tips for Practicing Self-love this Spring!

  1. It’s natural to have self-doubt, especially if you feel you’ve made a “mistake.” The best thing to do is to keep your head up. You are only able to make mistakes if you are taking steps towards something, so acknowledge yourself for having the courage to at least take the steps. “Sometimes you just gotta choose to treat yourself like you would treat your own best friend and keep moving forward.” 

  2. One of my best tips if you slip up on something is to practice self-compassion and recommit. As easy as it might still be for you to get stuck in a spiral of negative self-talk, it’s important to start interrupting this pattern that doesn’t serve you. There’s nothing worse than beating yourself up for making what you think now is a mistake. “What you think is a “mistake” might be the best thing that ever happened to you.” 

  3. Curate who you follow online: You don’t have to unfollow all the stereotypical indulgences you might partake in but follow those who demonstrate the values or goals you aspire to and soak in the wisdom that will benefit the steps you are currently taking on your journey. 

  4. Set aside some alone time — A time to disconnect from work or social obligations and enjoy quiet moments with yourself preferably with a good book: two of my all time favorites that I always recommend are, "The Power of Now" by Eckart Tolle, and "The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer." 

  5. Add an indulgent self-care practice to your routine. Find yourself a masseuse: allowing yourself to receive care and attention is an excellent way to express self-love. Trust me, what you think is indulgent now will soon become a staple in your life.

  6. When it comes to exercising, just do it: People exercise for all kinds of reasons, but it's not about “working out” more than it is about movement. Moving your body regularly is what to focus on vs just losing weight, for example. If you’re having trouble finding something active to do, pick something you enjoyed when you were a kid, like dancing.

  7. Drink more water! Sometimes self-love isn’t sexy at all. “Honestly, does anything feel better than being hydrated? Some days that’s my biggest win!” 

  8. Dive into what it would feel like to live your dream life: Do this everyday even if for just 5 minutes. Use all your senses while you envision it. Start getting used to what it feels like to be there because you will be there soon enough! Allow yourself to dream free of any judgment or limitation.

  9. Run your own race! It’s really easy to compare ourselves to others when we look around, but you gotta remember that they have completely different circumstances and opportunities. Besides, haven't you noticed when you compare yourself to others you are usually comparing their best qualities against your average ones? “Always remember that the thing that you’re better at than anyone else in the entire world is, being you!” 

  10. Clean out your space! They don't call it Spring Cleaning for nothing! Now is the perfect time for this. By bringing your dwelling spaces into full integrity it raises your vibration, fuels your motivation and brings you joy!

Ultimately, self-love is about you, and no one knows how to love yourself better than you.

If anything here doesn’t work, try something new. Everyone is different and requires a different formula for what makes them feel good.

“There’s a quote I refer to often which goes, “follow your bliss.

It reminds us to follow what makes us feel good and I believe if you do this, eventually you will land on the perfect self-love practices for you. Sending you all my love during this Spring season! I am rooting for your success!

How I Overcame Dating Fatigue

Girl holding phone resembling when someone is using a dating app.

I met my boyfriend aka ascension partner the day after I was filmed for a podcast interview about dating.

Dating fatigue is real and when I was interviewed for this, I had been on the online dating circuit on and off for quite some time and was really in the dumps about the whole experience.

I would get on because I needed to “put myself out there” and after a few pointless encounters with people who were not on the same page, I would vow to try to meet someone IRL and would close my accounts.

Then time would pass, I wouldn’t meet anyone and soon I would be back on the dating apps.

This went on for longer than I’d like to admit yet through it all, as fed up as I would get with dating, I still held the intention that I deserved to have someone amazing and most importantly that I would find them.

Remember my words, intention is everything...

It’s funny what a little faith and intention can bring you but through all these bouts of frustration, the key is to never give up on the most important ingredient, loving yourself.

I had put in the work for the last two years and knew that it would not be in vain. I had learned a while ago that loving me was the number one thing I needed if I was going to find that partner to experience life with.

How can you expect to find someone to love you if you can't even give that kind of love to yourself?

Without self-love, I was an empty shell of myself just blowing in the wind without a true north to guide me in the direction of my dreams.

Back then I would wonder why I wasn’t finding “the one" but after the last two years of really putting in the work on myself, I realized it was because I hadn't been the one for me until now!

I had to learn how to become the person I would want to date.

Over the last two years, I kept asking myself, would I date me? And the more I asked that question, the more I worked on what I needed to heal and clear up to become a more aligned and fulfilled version of myself.

The day after I poured my heart out on this interview is the day I met my current partner and what I consider to be my ascension partner.

Would this have happened two years ago? I don’t think so.

Would you want to be with someone who is carrying emotional baggage and who can’t give anything to the relationship?

So I had to get real with myself and clean up whatever was still there for me about my past. I had to do some more internal spring cleaning if you know what I mean.

We often expect the best from others but are we willing to be the best version of ourselves in return? I believe that is the only way a true relationship can work.

My last relationship ended a little over 4 years ago and it took me 2 years to grieve and 2 years to heal. Over that time, I worked on transforming those aspects of me that had me create that past relationship to begin with.

I had to get to know myself all over again, what type of person did I want to be in relationship and what was I willing or not willing to tolerate within myself and within others and then the process of reinvention began.

I had to learn what I liked and didn’t like and get reacquainted with what my principles, values and morals are. I had to heal shadow aspects of myself that had previously been running the show and I had to take a good look in the mirror and ask myself if I liked what I was seeing.

Eventually, I learned how to love myself more deeply than ever and I began re-designing my life and creating the reality that my future partner would step into.

Once I did this, and more, I was able to magnetize my current partner.

I say magnetize because it was essentially effortless. Yes the past 2-4 years too concerted effort from me but the actual process of drawing him in, that required no effort from me whatsoever.

It was energetic. I had to bring myself to the energetic state that would align with the frequency of the type of partner I wanted to have.

The way I was being had me vibrate at a frequency that he resonated with and therefore brought him to me effortlessly.

And want to know the best part? Anyone can do this! It just takes a little work and intention. Do you want to have the life of your dreams? Do you want to wake up every morning feeling fully realized and clear? Do you want to create a deep love in your life that drives everything in you do?

It doesn’t happen once you meet that partner. It starts happening now, right here as you are, you can begin creating the love and the life you desire.

Its possible. Begin with loving yourself. I’d love to hear your story.

Message me if you’re interested in taking the first step.

To listen to the PODCAST INTERVIEW click here.